03-11-2025, 01:10 PM
Users must not post content that is copied from others without proper attribution. All content should be original or properly credited to the creator.
No Offensive or Explicit Content
Posts that contain obscene, pornographic, or offensive content are strictly prohibited. This includes images, videos, and any form of media.
No Impersonation
Users must not impersonate other members, moderators, or administrators. Creating fake profiles or using misleading usernames is prohibited.
Follow Moderators and Administrators
Moderators and administrators are responsible for enforcing the rules. Users must follow their instructions and decisions.
Respect Intellectual Property
Users must respect copyrights, trademarks, and intellectual property laws. Do not share content that violates the rights of creators or organizations.
No Multi-Account Abuse
Users are prohibited from creating multiple accounts to bypass forum rules or to manipulate discussions or votes.
Keep Discussions on Topic
Users are expected to keep their posts relevant to the topic at hand. Off-topic posts may be deleted or moved by moderators.
No Discussion of Illegal Activities
Any discussion that promotes, suggests, or encourages illegal activities (e.g., drugs, hacking, etc.) is prohibited.
Be Respectful of Differences
Users should be respectful and understanding of different opinions, cultures, and backgrounds. Disrespect towards others will not be tolerated.
Report Violations
If a user encounters a violation of the rules, they should report it to the moderators using the proper channels, rather than engaging in retaliation.
Use Appropriate Language
Profanity, vulgar language, and offensive terms are not allowed in any posts or private messages. Keep the forum a friendly and professional space.
Avoid Personal Attacks
Users must avoid personal attacks or negative comments about other members. Criticism should focus on ideas and content, not individuals.
Do Not Flood the Forum
Flooding the forum with excessive posts, comments, or repetitive content is prohibited. Please ensure that your posts are meaningful and contribute to discussions.
No Posting of Malware or Harmful Software
Users must not post or share files that contain viruses, malware, or any harmful software. This includes links or attachments that could damage devices or steal data.
Respect the Forum Structure
Users must post in the appropriate sections of the forum. Keep the discussions relevant to the designated categories and topics.
"All of our members should communicate within the framework of respect. This site is dedicated to mod sharing and issues you may encounter. Rules and policies may change
All players who register on the site, or discord are considered to have read, understood, and accepted these rules. No player can claim that they did not know the rules or did not read the policies. If they make such a statement, they will be considered to have accepted their penalty. Those who do not follow the rules and attempt to disturb the peace of our community will be banned from the forum.
No Offensive or Explicit Content
Posts that contain obscene, pornographic, or offensive content are strictly prohibited. This includes images, videos, and any form of media.
No Impersonation
Users must not impersonate other members, moderators, or administrators. Creating fake profiles or using misleading usernames is prohibited.
Follow Moderators and Administrators
Moderators and administrators are responsible for enforcing the rules. Users must follow their instructions and decisions.
Respect Intellectual Property
Users must respect copyrights, trademarks, and intellectual property laws. Do not share content that violates the rights of creators or organizations.
No Multi-Account Abuse
Users are prohibited from creating multiple accounts to bypass forum rules or to manipulate discussions or votes.
Keep Discussions on Topic
Users are expected to keep their posts relevant to the topic at hand. Off-topic posts may be deleted or moved by moderators.
No Discussion of Illegal Activities
Any discussion that promotes, suggests, or encourages illegal activities (e.g., drugs, hacking, etc.) is prohibited.
Be Respectful of Differences
Users should be respectful and understanding of different opinions, cultures, and backgrounds. Disrespect towards others will not be tolerated.
Report Violations
If a user encounters a violation of the rules, they should report it to the moderators using the proper channels, rather than engaging in retaliation.
Use Appropriate Language
Profanity, vulgar language, and offensive terms are not allowed in any posts or private messages. Keep the forum a friendly and professional space.
Avoid Personal Attacks
Users must avoid personal attacks or negative comments about other members. Criticism should focus on ideas and content, not individuals.
Do Not Flood the Forum
Flooding the forum with excessive posts, comments, or repetitive content is prohibited. Please ensure that your posts are meaningful and contribute to discussions.
No Posting of Malware or Harmful Software
Users must not post or share files that contain viruses, malware, or any harmful software. This includes links or attachments that could damage devices or steal data.
Respect the Forum Structure
Users must post in the appropriate sections of the forum. Keep the discussions relevant to the designated categories and topics.
"All of our members should communicate within the framework of respect. This site is dedicated to mod sharing and issues you may encounter. Rules and policies may change
All players who register on the site, or discord are considered to have read, understood, and accepted these rules. No player can claim that they did not know the rules or did not read the policies. If they make such a statement, they will be considered to have accepted their penalty. Those who do not follow the rules and attempt to disturb the peace of our community will be banned from the forum.